CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 631 Savior, Who Thy Flock art Feeding 8. 7. 8. 7. Ringe recht John 10: 11 William A. Mühlenberg, 1826 “Musikalischer Christenschatz” Basel, 1745 a the Thy herd’s rest Li gra kind the find be in Shep them them them ing on’s cious est place, prey; arm; care, in from lit who with er, these ior, Thy Thy tle Thy 2 Now, 1 Sav Nev 4 Then 3 ceiv ter rov feed Let Let Fold With nal ing, ing, ing ones pas fold e ture re art flock grace. way. harm. share, Thy g’rous from om A of dan cure bos ers life’s se Thy men. All There, Let Feed ev ness, Word gen tures der Thy ble so be tly pas ten know, fee in Thy we the Drink Keep On While er riv thro’ there, lambs the them ly the ver lov liev lead nal, ing, ing, ing,